16 x 20″ (2017)
Pencil, Crayon, Oil Wash & Oil Stick
This is a small piece that was an experiment, to begin with, and makes a great print on unique surface like wood and metal. One summer morning the sun was shining through the slats of the chairs in the dining room making spectacular shapes and shadows on the floor. I got a small canvas and traced the shadows onto the canvas. The first layer of the painting process was monochromatic with sienna crayons and pencils, followed by layers of oil sticks, and turpentine washes. As I continued and let the media guide me, it resembled a cityscape, bridge and water. As the layers of white, smoky grey, Prussian and cerulean blue washes developed, it resembled the marine layer coming in around the Coronado Bridge to me. I worked on abstracting the buildings and reflections using oil sticks. This piece completely started out as an experimental tracing of some beautiful shadows creating a memory of a lovely summer morning. It’s a wonderful example of how work takes shape with no plan and seemly presents itself. It’s these explorations and experiments that are shaping my point of view in forging my own path as an artist.
Prints are available for purchase here.